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Allamakee County Sheriff’s Office advises of rise in unemployment insurance scams

The Allamakee County Sheriff’s Office is reporting that it has received numerous complaints regarding unemployment insurance scams. Area law enforcement officials want to let people know that if they receive information regarding unemployment claims that are suspicious, they may contact Iowa Workforce Development at its primary telephone number of 1-866-239-0843.

To report Unemployment Identity Theft, contact Iowa Workforce Development at or fill out a report form found on the Iowa Workforce Development website at The Unemployment Identity Customer Service Department open hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.


Waukon man charged with Murder in the First Degree in death of estranged wife; Awaiting extradition back to state of Iowa following arrest in Colorado

Brandon Kasemeier ... Charged with Murder in the First Degree. Being held without bond in Colorado awaiting extradition to Iowa. Submitted photo.

Jami Kasemeier ... Found deceased in Waukon residence. Full obituary can be found on Page 3 of the Wednesday, January 31, 2024 edition of The Standard. Submitted photo.

An initial request from a family member for a welfare check on a Waukon woman eventually led to the discovery of her body in a Waukon residence Monday, January 22 and to the arrest of her estranged husband in Colorado within the next day on charges of Murder in the First Degree, according to a criminal complaint and affidavit filed by the Waukon Police Department and made available through the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI).


Nominations sought for 2024 Allamakee County Dairy Awards

Award nominations due by February 19; Dairy Banquet date to be announced

The Allamakee County Dairy Promotion Board is asking for assistance from the general public in identifying worthy candidates to be recognized as this year’s top dairy producers in Allamakee County at the 2024 Allamakee County Dairy Banquet to take place at a date soon to be announced. Every year, top producers and several other awards are nominated from members within the county. The Allamakee Dairy Promotion Board and the Allamakee County Extension office are accepting nominations for the following awards:

Outstanding Young Dairyman/Family Award - Honors young dairy farmers who have achieved excellence in managing their dairy enterprises, have contributed leadership to the dairy industry, and are respected in their communities. Dairy producers must be 35 years of age or younger to be nominated for this award.


The Pork Tornadoes will take the 2024 Allamakee County Fair by storm as this year’s headlining grandstand act July 19

The Allamakee County Fair Board has announced that “The Pork Tornadoes” will be the headlining act for this year’s grandstand entertainment at the 2024 Allamakee County Fair. The four-man cover band that has played over 600 shows over the past dozen years throughout the Midwest is scheduled to perform Friday evening, July 19 in the grandstands, with “High Mileage” out of Viroqua, WI performing as the opening act that evening.

Self-described as “The Midwest’s Premiere Party Band” and coining the catch phrase “Your Girlfriend’s Favorite Band,” The Pork Tornadoes have played any number and variety of venues in their many years together, and have been one of the most requested bands to play at stops along the RAGBRAI route each year. With more than 20 years of live performance, studio recording and nationwide touring experience per member, the group’s musical talent is rivaled only by its attention to detail on sound quality and gear.


Proceeds from “Awesome Rides” calendar will benefit all extracurricular activities at Eastern Allamakee Schools ...

Part of the Alumni Night events celebrated Thursday, January 18 during the girls and boys basketball games at Kee High School in Lansing included the donation of $3,700 in proceeds from the sale of the “Awesome Rides” classic car calendar created and sold by 1973 Kee High School graduate Ray Burroughs of Waukon. Pictured above, Burroughs (left) presents a $3,700 donation check to Eastern Allamakee Community School District Superintendent Dr. Sarah Murray (right) during halftime of the Kee boys varsity basketball game that evening.


Welfare check leads to discovery of death being ruled suspicious in nature; Officials say there is no threat to public

Monday, January 22, the Waukon Police Department responded to the 100 block of 1st Avenue SW in Waukon to conduct a welfare check. An initial report released shortly after 3 a.m. Tuesday, January 23 by the Waukon Police Department indicates a deceased adult was found in the residence. The death is being treated as suspicious in nature. An autopsy will be performed by the Iowa Office of the State Medical Examiner. Local law enforcement officials say there is no threat to the public and the investigation is ongoing.

Authorities say no further information will be released at this time. The Waukon Police Department is being assisted by the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, the Allamakee County Sheriff’s Office, and the Iowa State Patrol.


County Democrat and Republican leaders report favorable turn-out for December 15 caucus events

Even with temperatures dipping below zero and wind chills hitting double-digit marks below zero, in addition to a difference in business conducted, both the Allamakee County Democrat and Republican parties reported favorable turn-out for their respective Monday, January 15 caucus events held in designated locations throughout Allamakee County. The Republican caucus featured declaration of preference for President of the United States among six listed candidates, while this year’s Democrat caucus focused more on business matters for the political party, with the traditional candidate selection for Democrats this year instead being offered through a Presidential Preference Card mail-in process ongoing through February 19 of this year.


Allamakee County Attorney Anthony Gericke offers update following his first term in office

Reflects on past year of court cases and other matters, offers insight into increase in extortion incidents, fence line disputes

by Anthony J. Gericke
Allamakee County Attorney

Having completed my first term as Allamakee County Attorney and gotten through all the difficulties that the Covid era brought to us all, I felt an update to the county on the current state of this office was warranted. It has been a busy time cleaning up the court docket, specifically, the trial calendar this past year.

In February, Felty Yoder was sentenced after jury trial to 45 years in prison. He was convicted of four counts of sexual abuse, five counts of violating the sex offender registry and one count of domestic abuse assault.

In April, Greg Winter was found guilty of driving while license barred-habitual offender. After jury trial he was given a 90-day suspended sentence.


Third session of “Let’s Talk Bridges!” features a hands-on activity with a “mini cofferdam”

A presentation attendees can really dig into ... The excavator pictured above was used to show how material is dug out of cofferdams at the Thursday, January 11 “Let’s Talk Bridges” program at Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library. Dale Kehoe, superintendent in charge of the new Lansing bridge construction project job site for contractor Kraemer North America, picked up the excavator at a local store and decorated it with Kraemer’s red K emblem. Kehoe also built the mini cofferdam for the presentation from materials he bought at a local store. Photo by Julie Berg-Raymond.

Simulating the actual work being done ... Travis Konda, a structural engineer and Lansing bridge project manager for HNTB Corporation, pushes a demonstration cofferdam into the water and sand inside a donated fish tank at the Thursday, January 11 “Let’s Talk Bridges” program at Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library. The demonstration offered an idea about work currently taking place at the new bridge construction site. Photo by Julie Berg-Raymond.

Definitely a hands-on (or in) presentation ... Travis Konda, structural engineer and Lansing bridge project manager for HNTB Corporation, gets some young help digging sand out of a demonstration cofferdam at the Thursday, January 11 “Let’s Talk Bridges” program at Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library. The presentation simulated the work actually being done at the new bridge project construction site. Photo by Julie Berg-Raymond.

by Julie Berg-Raymond

Even with the town blanketed in the first heavy snowfall of the season, the third monthly session of “Let’s Talk Bridges!” drew about 30 attendees to the Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library Thursday evening, January 11.

The library’s executive director Derva Burke, along with the new Lansing bridge project’s overseeing engineer Clayton Burke and members of his team, are presenting the family-friendly monthly series - which is focused on learning about and celebrating the new bridge project at Lansing. Three of the regular four “bridge talks” team members conducted the talk last Thursday: Clayton Burke was joined by Paul Lindsey, senior field inspector on the project and Travis Konda, a structural engineer and project manager with the U.S.-based design firm, HNTB Corporation. Absent that evening was “everything engineer,” Anden Lovig.


First Baby of the Year born at Veterans Memorial Hospital

First Baby of the New Year ... Pictured at left are Allison and Seth Christen of rural Decorah, holding their newborn son, Ivan Henry, the First Baby of the Year born at Veterans Memorial Hospital for 2024. Ivan and his family will all enjoy many gifts, thanks to the local merchants who helped celebrate the First Baby of the Year born at Veterans Memorial Hospital in 2024. Submitted photo.

Veterans Memorial Hospital physicians and staff announce that the First Baby of the Year born at the hospital for 2024 is Ivan Henry Christen, son of Seth and Allison Christen of rural Decorah. Ivan was born Tuesday, January 9 at 4:08 a.m. He weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces and was 20.75 inches long.

Grandparents are Bill and Linda Dotseth and Laurie and Bernie Christen, all of Decorah.


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