

<font color=red>Eight Tips for Hiding Gifts from Kids </font color>

The average American family spends over $1,000 a year on gifts. That's quite a few gifts, and quite a few secrets to keep under wraps. Once you've tackled the challenge of finding the perfect gift, don't let sneaky snoopers spoil the secret!


How To Disguise Gifts For The Ultimate Surprise!

Below are a few predictable or difficult-to-wrap gift items, with suggestions from Ellen Timberlake - gift-wrapping expert and previous winner of a national gift wrapping contest-on how you can preserve the element of surprise for the recipient.


Gift Idea: Stocking Stuffers for Tech Lovers Who've Got It All

Who doesn't have a tech lover on their holiday shopping list that has just about everything? A digital camera, an MP3 player, a plasma TV, the list can go on and on. At times, it almost seems that they have the latest gadgets even before they hit the market, leaving you at a dead-end when it comes to gift giving for the holidays ... until now.


Customized Confections Add 'Taste' to Holiday Giving

Sweet nothings this season will come in many homemade and store-bought varieties. From pastries and pies to cakes and cookies, holiday giving for neighbors, colleagues and friends often consists of ethereal edibles.
Gwen Willhite, founder of Cookies by Design, the originator of the hand-decorated Cookie Bouquet, says food gifts shouldn't be limited to a plate of cookies or pan of brownies. Gwen's mission is to personalize her treats with finishing touches that add sparkle and emotion. She offers the following guidelines for those who want to do the same.


Careful Toy Selection Keeps Children Safe and Happy

Play is an important part of a child's development. While most toys are safe, some of them can be quite dangerous if misused or given to children who are too young or not developmentally ready to play with them.
According to National SAFE KIDS Campaign, a child-safety advocacy group, at least 13 children ages 14 and under died from toy-related injuries and an estimated 165,200 children in that same age group were treated in hospital emergency rooms for toy-related injuries in 2002.


Creative gift-wrapping solutions

  • "Tie one on" to give packages a designer look. Try cinnamon sticks, silk scarves, candy canes and miniature ornaments. Toy cars, giant lollipops and stuffed bean bag toys are cute tie-ons for children's gifts.

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    Christmas Crafts: Holiday Decorations

    The holiday season is jam-packed with lights, gifts and especially decorations. Now there's a do-it-yourself option that allows you to create decorations that are flexible, customizable and inexpensive. All you need is a computer, a jigsaw and a little creativity.

    A leading manufacturer of power tools is providing cutout templates on its Web site. The templates are easy to print out at home, tape together and trace onto plywood. With just a few cuts using a jigsaw, the pattern is shaped into a personal home decoration.


    Christmas Crafts: Tips for Family Fun

    . The Dow Chemical Company, maker of Styrofoam(R) brand products, offers the following suggestions to help you start a new family tradition -- Family Craft Night. It's a fun way to craft a lifetime of happy memories!
    Don't let a busy schedule overwhelm you. Schedule Family Craft Night when you can -- weekly, monthly, or just before big holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, Valentine's Day or Halloween. Then follow these tips for a successful night.


    Create a Priceless Holiday Gift

    What parent or grandparent hasn't labored lovingly over their holiday shopping list, deciding on the perfect gift for family members and friends? You wander the aisles of the toy or clothing store, but nothing seems quite right. Finding the right presents for loved ones - especially babies and children - can be challenging.


    Christmas Crafts: Clay Ornaments

    1 cup cornstarch
    2 cups baking soda
    1 1/2 cups of water

    1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
    2 Sift together the cornstarch and baking soda; gradually add the water.
    3 Grease baking sheet with butter or margarine.
    4 Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture resembles smooth mashed potatoes.
    5 Turn out on to a counter and knead until smooth.
    6 Cut out designs using holiday-themed cookie cutters. Decorate as desired.
    7 Using a pencil, pokes a hole in the top of each ornament.


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