

Resources Unlimited

      2005 is the 200th anniversary of the exploration of the Upper Mississippi River by the Pike expedition. Zebulon Pike was a career Army officer assigned by commanding General of the Army, James Wilkinson to find the origin of the Mississippi River, purchase sites from the American Indians for military posts, halt the illegal fur trade in the north, and bring representative native chiefs to St. Louis for talks.



      The following excerpts are exactly as published in that particular issue of the Lansing papers.
February 5, 1930

Harpers Ferry


Basketball Hawks suffer back-to-back losses

by Teela Hammell

      The Hawks boys basketball team endured a double dose of pain this week when they lost both of their games. Kee's first loss was suffered while playing Turkey Valley. The Trojans ended up winning, 71-51.
      The Hawks played an excellent first quarter and kept the score close. However, during the second quarter Kee fell apart. The Hawks only scored two points and had multiple turnovers. The third and fourth quarter went much better than the second, but it was too late, the Trojans had already pulled too far ahead.


Lady Hawks squeeze a win in between losses

by Teela Hammell

      The Lady Hawks basketball team endured a bumpy ride last week on the court. The Hawks kicked off the week by facing Turkey Valley Monday, Jan. 31. Unfortunately, the Trojans prevailed and walked away with a 52-58 victory.
      The Lady Hawks put forth one of their best efforts and kept the game very close from start to finish. Although defeated, Kee played well overall, offensively and defensively.


Gleanings from DeSoto

      We had our DeSoto Lutheran WELCA on Thursday afternoon, when Pastor Libby installed the WELCA officers for 2005.
      Our officers are; Jean Giese, President; Sonya Bohland, Vice President; Esther Stokke, Secretary; Joan Nasseth, Treasurer; Janet Mueller, Mission growth; Eloda Bohland, Mission action; and Publicity coordinator, Sheila Rodriguez.
      My deepest sympathy to Bernilda McDowell and her children and their families on the death of her husband, Elmer McDowell, earlier this week.


New Albin News

      The movie showing a the "Way Station theater for Friday, Feb. 11th at 7 pm and Saturday, Feb. 12th at 1 pm will be "On Our Own". Doors open 15 minutes before showime and concessions are sold during the movie.


Upcoming Extension Events

  • Feb 14 - Big 4 DHIA annual meeting, noon, Postville Community Center.

  • Feb 14 - Dairy Promotion Board meeting, noon, Extension office.

  • Feb 16 - Commercial Ag satellite training, 9 am, Extension office

  • Feb 17 - Partnering with Parents, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Extension office.
  • Tue

    USDA issues final procedures - sets date for Lamb Referendum

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service announced the final procedures for a continuance referendum under the Lamb Promotion, Research, and Information order, more commonly known as the Lamb Checkoff Program, and also announced that the referendum will be conducted January 31 through February 28, 2005.
    The referendum will be conducted at USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA) county offices.


    Farming & Your Freedom

    President Bush invoked the holy grail of Midwestern farmers during his State of the Union address to Congress: Ethanol. He didn't say much about it, but he included it in his litany of energy initiatives and that means a lot!
    With former Nebraska Governor Mike Johanns at the helm of the USDA and plenty of strong Midwestern members of congress and senators to work in tandem, ethanol's future seems brighter than ever. Bill Clinton talked ethanol, but Washington now seems poised to walk ethanol, too.


    Across the Director's Desk

    Farm Records
    "I resolve my farm books will not be such a mess this year. Had I planned a little better, I would not be giving such a big check to Uncle Sam."
    It is said every year about this time. Prudent financial decisions made in a timely fashion will more than pay for all the tools and the time invested to use them. In other words, one good decision will pay for a computer, software, and all the hours spent using them. With the advances in technology, using these tools has never been easier or cheaper.


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